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W elfiej przystani

Na tropie zagadki

gry miejskie

Kraina Lodu

fly spot adventure

692 004 700


Animation Corner
during weddings, lunches and other

Are you organizing a party for adults and want to also take care of the younger guests? We will help you in this area by creating animation aimed at children of all ages - will make that Mali will feel really special! 


  • For each event we are individually preparing a program to best suit your needs.
  • We can create for example: 
  • plastic corner, which will be an opportunity to try their hand at creative new artistic techniques 
  • playing games and sports competitions, because nothing adds energy, as healthy competition f
  • or older children, we offer workshops to create jewelry, kites and many others 
  • we also rent a inflatable toys (information below), which will be The kids "riot" and are a source of endless joy for both toddlers and older children. 


If you have any questions or want more details please contact us.

Animation Corner
for business

If you want to increase the attractiveness of your business, you need a corner for Children to Adults Customers have some time for themselves for shopping. If you want to make kids feel good in your place and gladly returned to it - turn to us for help! Years of experience in organizing events for children ensures that not only will create an unforgettable experience for the children, but we will help to effectively promote your company at the same time!

Rental of Inflated Toys
bouncy castles, tracks etc.

Inflatable attractions is something that kids love - both the smallest and those quite a bit. Climb to the top of the inflatable toy, only to return with a whistle in his ears down or dive in the sea of colored balls, is a big challenge, but also a great joy! 
We offer attractions designed for large spaces, as well as those that fit in small gardens. They are a great addition to a birthday party or a fascinating activity for children during the event for adults. 
The attractions are only part of our offer - if you want to know more, please contact us.



dmuchany tor przeszkód

Obstacle track with colourfull balls.

Dimensions (lenght/width/height):  6m x 2,5m x 2m




wynajem dmuchanych zjeżdżalni warszawa


Large Dinosaur slide. 

Dimensions (lenght/width/height): 5m x 2,5m x 3m 



zamek do skakania


Jumping castle. 

Dimensions (lenght/width/height): 4m x 3m x 2,5m




suchy basen z kulkami wynajem warszawa


Dry pool filled with colourful balls. 

Dimensions (lenght/width/height): 3m x 3m x 2m



dmuchana ciuchcia warszawa


Inlfatable choo choo with a slide. 

Dimensions (lenght/width/height): 5m x 2,5m x 2,5m





dmuchane zwierzątka do skakania



Inflatable animals to jump on. 

organizacja urodzin dla dzieci | imprezy dla dzieci | urodziny dziecka | urodziny dla dzieci Warszawa | przyjęcia urodzinowe

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